
Our Academy

Footballers Selection in the Academy of FC Lokomotiv

Twice a year we hold a selection between children aged 5 to 13. We publish all the information about the place and the time of that event on the official website of FC Lokomotiv and the Academy website for 2-3 weeks before the day of selection.

Footballers who come to this contest of selection at the Academy of FC Lokomotiv must bring with them:

  • Sportswear;
  • Birth certificate;
  • Medical documents (certificate of approval for football training);
  • Russian citizenship (mandatory).

Players from 4 to 12 years old can come to our football section. The Academy coaches work in this section and if the child proves himself and shows the required level, he will be invited to training with our Academy team.

Players from 13 to 17 years old can also be invited to the contest. For your participation, you need to fill out a form on our website. If our jury (the selection service) is interested in the player's data, we will definitely call him for the next level of the selection for the team.

Players, who were invited to the selection, must bring with them the certificate of approval for football training from the sports dispensary!

Players, who reside in the boarding school of our Academy during the selection period, must bring with them:

  • The certificate of approval for football training from the sports dispensary;
  • The copy of the passport of one of the parents;
  • The copy of the birth certificate or passport;
  • The outpatient card or the extract from it;
  • The copy of medical insurance policy (see also the period of its validity);
  • The medical records from the secondary school;

Non-resident players, enrolled in the school, are provided with housing and meals in our boarding school.

Стать Игроком

Проводим просмотры 2 раза в год

весной и осенью

Принимаем детей 4-10 лет

игроков 7-17 лет рассматриваем в индивидуальном порядке

Что надо для просмотра?

  • Спортивная форма
  • Свидетельство о рождении
  • Справка от врача
  • Гражданство России

Данная анкета подходит для футболистов 11-17 лет.

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